Leglo / Litter “S” – 2006 (25.04.2006)
Ch Jo-shy Lamleh Rombon von Verles Ricco x VCh Rombon Nanda Devi
- Ch Jo-shy Lamleh Rombon von Verles Ricco, HD A/A, PRA, LL certificat, Patellas 0/0, DNA CCL clear
- VCh Rombon Nanda Devi, HD A/A, PRA, LL certificat, DNA CCL clear
Mladički / Puppies: 3 fantje in 3 punce / 3 boys and 3 girls:
- Ch Sems Kyi Bu Sa Zla`i Lhun Po, HD A/A, PRA, LL certificat, Patellas 0/0, DNA CCL clear, JCh Slo,Ch Slo, Ch Srb, BISS-3 Specialka KTP Slo 2007
- JCh Sems Kyi Bu Shi Rgyu Med-pa, HD A/A, PRA, LL certificat, Patellas 0/0, DNA CCL clear, Evropski mladinski prvak EUDS Zagreb 2007, JCh Slo, JCh Cro, † 28.10. 2007 (prometna nesreča)
- Sems Kyi Bu Sa`ching, HD A/A, PRA, LL certificat, Patellas 0/0, DNA CCL clear
- Ch Sems Kyi Bu Sa min, HD B/B, PRA, LL certifikat, Pogačice 0/0, BAER test, DNA CCL clear, Ch Slo, BISS-1 Specilaka KTP Slo 2010, 2.mesto TOP Tibetanski terier v Sloveniji 2010
- Sems Kyi Bu Sa ra, HD A/A, PRA, LL certificat, Patellas 0/0, DNA CCL clear
- Sems Kyi Bu Sha Kya De We
Rodovnik / Pedigree:
Jo-shy Rombon Lamleh von Verles Ricco sable w/white KTR 04 3593 7/10/2004 |
Ch Ba-tu Lamleh von Nama-schu gold sable w/white KTR 91 4025 5/19/1991 |
Ch Silgarhi Varius (GB) KC Q2429801Q02 |
Ch Tamar Kosi of Silgarhi (GB) KC N1121501N01 |
Fantasia Lamleh von Verles Rico white w/sable KTR 02 2250 6/18/2002 |
Passiflora Rosa Damascena (GB) KC AA04142503 |
Mo-mo Lamleh von Nama-schu KTR 00 0899 |
Rombon Nanda Devi SLRTT 000228 12/30/1998 |
Passiflora Dog Rose (GB) white w/black&tickin KC X3821401X03 8/1/1997 |
Tsering Dholmah Nima KC S4546201S04 |
Lehlam Chrysantheme of Passiflora KC V0277001V01 |
Dge-Ltas Cog-Cog Pa Rombon (USA) NM 535386/01 2/26/1994 |
Ch Malishar’s Si-Mo La Dscho Utra NT 550445 |
Rje-Bo’s Wild & Wonderful NT 680795 |